Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Beauty of Sharing Knowledge

Time to Share
Image 1: Time to Share, Myers (2011)
I am not a teacher. I am not formally paid to teach children or adolescence in a specific subject. I am not a lecturer, nor do I offer training courses for corporate business. I am an individual who has been working for almost 30 years and has a lot of knowledge based on experience on offer. I love to share my knowledge.

It does not give me a sense of superiority to offer people the knowledge of my experience - I learned what I know through knocks in my own life. My scars are mine to share and I share them freely. I do not seek reward for sharing my experiences and knowledge - my reward is seeing this person understand; witnessing that "Ah ha" moment.

Poem: Sharing Is Caring (Grantham, 2013)

To show you care for someone is to lend a helping hand
A need to be concerned for every woman, child and man
Share whatever you can to help someone in need
Then you will be happier and a better person indeed

When you share with others you unselfishly give of yourself
Then love is given freely instead of sitting on a shelf
Hands that are always clenched nothing can ever get out
Ones that are open and gives is what love is all about

Sharing is caring when given from the heart with pleasure
The good returns are many and the rewards are without measure
Goods given freely brings a smile to the needy person
Holding back when you can give will only continue to worsen

References Cited

Grantham, P. (2013). Sharing Is Caring Poem by Patricia Grantham - Poem Hunter. [online] PoemHunter.com. Available at: http://www.poemhunter.com/poem/sharing-is-caring-3/ [Accessed 6 Feb. 2016].

Myers, G. (2011). A Time To Share Knowledge. [online] KMbeing. Available at: http://kmbeing.com/2011/12/29/a-time-to-share-knowledge/ [Accessed 6 Feb. 2016].

1 comment:

  1. Nice poem :)

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